Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Where are the beds for 74M Boomers?

While politicians argue costs and who will pay what to whom, no one is addressing where we will put the 74 million baby boomers entering retirement at 7,000/day. Where are the facilities being built?

It would behoove us to remember what boomers did to the school system in the 50's. We were stacked in classes 40-50 students, split sessions, and still did not have enough schools. You can do that with children, they don't mind (drives teachers batty though).

We cannot stack 40-50 boomer elderly in one hospital room. All the recovery money wasted on roads could have been used to start building Seniors Shelters (clinics, assisted housing, etc.) Spending stimulus money on construction of health care facilities would kill two birds with one stone. It would give local tradesmen jobs, instead of government workers. It would begin to do something tangible about providing for the tsunami of elderly about to drown us.

We need to initiate a method of delivering health care and support services within each community, each county, each state, and we need to do it quickly. Nothing will stop the wave, nothing. So we be prepared with beds or the horror scene that ensues will disgust us all.

Never before, in the history of man, have we had a situation where the elderly outnumber the generations still productively working. The impact on our economy will be staggering. And it will get worse as we are only seeing the water pull away from the shore, the wave is on the horizon.

Speak Out! Bring this to the attention of your rep's. If they must spend and spend, at least let's point them at something that provides a tangible benefit for our future.